How SEO evolved throughout the years?

How SEO evolved throughout the years?

A new version of this article was published on May 18th, 2023. The Google Algorithm Updates for 2023 have been added. The early beginning before SEO became a thing 1991 Before SEO there was the beginning of world wide web. In on March 6th, 1991 the first ever website...
ChatGTP: Everything You Should Know!

ChatGTP: Everything You Should Know!

We do not doubt you have heard about this before, as it has been splashed over the news for months. A shiny new toy which has reached public access and has now exploded worldwide, access to ChatGTP is undoubtedly not going anywhere any time soon on the internet. In...
Colorpeak’s Best Image Optimisation Tools

Colorpeak’s Best Image Optimisation Tools

Optimising an image’s file size can enhance the user experience, reduce site load times, and increase site visibility. Page load speed is considered by search engines when ranking websites, which can also be boosted by image optimisation. Using image...