Consensus: Revolutionising Scientific Research with AI

by | Aug 1, 2023 | AI

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In the era of information overload, finding reliable, evidence-based answers to scientific queries can be a daunting task. Enter Consensus, an innovative search engine that is set to revolutionise the way we access scientific research.

Consensus AI homepage

Introduction to Consensus

What is Consensus?

Consensus is a new search engine that utilises artificial intelligence, specifically GPT-4 (version 4 of ChatGTP), to extract and distil data from scientific research. Its mission is to democratise expert knowledge, making scientific research accessible to everyone, regardless of their expertise level.

How does Consensus work?

Consensus combines natural language processing, machine learning, and blockchain technology to analyse and evaluate web content. It rewards and incentivises content creators and curators, ensuring that the information provided is of the highest quality. The search engine sifts through millions of academic publications to find the most relevant answers to your queries, supporting each discovery with a confidence level that reflects the number and quality of sources backing it up.

How to Use Consensus

Step-by-step guide

Using Consensus is simple. First, visit the Consensus search engine and create an account. Then, enter your question to try out Consensus at no cost. That’s it! You can now access scientifically-verified results to your queries in a fast, reliable, and ad-free environment.

Benefits of Using Consensus

Scientifically-verified results

Consensus prides itself on providing scientifically-verified results. All machine learning queries consult previously published, scholarly works, ensuring that the information you receive is accurate and reliable.

Fast and reliable search

With AI doing the bulk of the work, Consensus offers a fast and reliable search experience. It identifies the most important aspects of a subject and brings them to the surface, saving you time that would otherwise be spent scanning content.

Ad-Free Experience

Consensus provides an ad-free experience, ensuring that the data you receive is unbiased and accurate.

Unique Features of Consensus

AI-powered academic search

Consensus’ AI-powered academic search sifts through millions of academic publications to find the most relevant answers to your queries, with references and findings from studies.

GPT-4 summary

Consensus utilises GPT-4 to provide concise summaries of the top 5-10 results for your query. This feature makes scientific summaries easy and accessible, with all underlying results presented underneath the summary box coming from reputable journal articles.

Consensus Meter

The Consensus Meter is a unique feature that collects responses to “Yes/No” questions and displays them as “yes,” “no,” or “possibly.” This feature provides a quick and clean way to gauge community opinion on a topic.

Consensus Meter

Consensus: A Game Changer in the World of Scientific Research

Consensus is not just another search engine. It is a game changer in the world of scientific research. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, it is making scientific knowledge accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of expertise.

Democratising Access to Scientific Knowledge

One of the key goals of Consensus is to democratise access to scientific knowledge. Traditionally, scientific research has been locked away in academic journals, accessible only to a select few. Consensus is breaking down these barriers, making it possible for anyone to access and understand the latest scientific research.

Combatting Misinformation

In an era of fake news and misinformation, Consensus AI is a breath of fresh air. By providing users with evidence-based answers to their queries, it is helping to combat the spread of misinformation. Users can be confident that the information they receive is accurate, reliable, and based on the latest scientific research.

Consensus: A Tool for the Future

As we move further into the 21st century, the importance of having access to reliable, evidence-based information cannot be overstated. Whether it’s understanding the impact of climate change, the effectiveness of a new medical treatment, or the economic implications of a policy decision, having access to the latest scientific research is crucial.

Consensus is a tool for the future. It is a tool that empowers individuals with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions. It is a tool that democratises access to scientific research, making it accessible to all. And most importantly, it is a tool that is helping to combat the spread of misinformation, ensuring that everyone has access to accurate, reliable information.

In conclusion, Consensus is more than just a search engine. It is a revolutionary tool that is set to transform the way we access and understand scientific research. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, it is making scientific knowledge accessible to all, helping to create a more informed and knowledgeable society.